How To Keep Your Home Cool in This Heat

Five tips to help you beat the heat and save on your utility bill.

I’m sure you are as tired of the heat as I am. It’s been a hot year, so I’ll share a few tips on how you can keep cool.

1. Get your HVAC serviced and have your lines cleared. On top of that, go to your cut-off tube and pour one cup of vinegar or bleach down it. Algae can build up in your line because of all this hot weather, which can cause it to back up and overflow. You may also want to make sure that your overflow pan is clear of debris. 

2. Reverse your ceiling fans. Not many people think about this, but the direction of your fan will change whether it pushes air down or pulls it up. 

“The most important thing is to get your HVAC serviced.”

3. Check out radiant barriers. This isn’t a project you can do in one summer, but it’s a good time to look into them. There are spray-on versions that you can use on existing homes, and you may want to add extra insulation as well.

4. Close your west-facing blinds. You can also add solar screens to your house. Either option would cut down on the heat and help lower your utility bill.

5. Utilize a programmable thermostat. Program it to be a little warmer when you’re not home. If you have an older unit, don’t vary the temperature too much because you’ll force it to work too hard. 

If my team or I can ever help you with something real estate related, just call us at (210) 305-5665. We’d love to hear from you.

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